What is Karawhiua?

An online space created by rangatahi for rangatahi!
This is where young people can get involved, find out about current issues impacting our Rotorua rangatahi and where you can get support!

If you would like to get involved, or even contribute to this online space, follow us on Facebook!

Our Vision

We would like to see all Rotorua Rangatahi supported to have their say, share their dreams and participate in activities and solutions that enable us to thrive.


How to get involved!


Rangatahi Success

Our Whakapapa

“Mai I Maketū ki Tongariro, Ko Te Arawa te waka”

Te Arawa comprises a confederation of tribes which landed at Maketu many hundreds of years ago. From Maketu the voyagers and their succeeding generations moved inland occupying the central part of the North Island thus the saying ‘Mai i Maketu ki Tongariro’ (from Maketu to Tongariro).


Rangatahi Voice Rotorua, is an online space created, through a Pūtake Nui initiative, to ensure Rotorua rangatahi have a voice in decisions that concern them and to increase the value and impact of youth voice.

SInce 2021 we have had the privilege of working alongside rangatahi between the ages of
13 – 24 years to co-create this online space, providing a platform for rangatahi
voice, thoughts, opinions and stories. 

We hope that this is a space that will benefit our community, share the potential and success of our young leaders, and support our Rotorua rangatahi to share their voice!

Pūtake Nui

Pūtake Nui is initiated from the Rotorua Working Together Forum,
a forum of local and central government, social sector initiatives & community. 

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao is an iwi organization that is owned, managed and supported by descendants of Pikiaorangi, a renowned Chief and ancestor. They provide Health, Education and Social services to the Rotorua Community.

Digital Natives Academy

DNA’s vision is to inspire the next generation of digital leaders. DNA does this to support rangatahi to become makers and innovators of technology, rather than users and consumers of it.

Would you like to become a volunteer to help admin Karwhiua! Rangatahi Voice Rotorua? If so we would love your help! Please contact us below for more info on how you can get involved.


Karawhiua Rangatahi Voice Rotorua would like to acknowledge Rotorua Lakes Council and the Te Rākau Tu Pakari Fund for supporting the development of our website.