Our Team

Our Vision

We would like to see all Rotorua Rangatahi supported to have their say, share their dreams and participate in activities and solutions that enable us to thrive.

Kahutapeka Ututaonga

Te Arawa/Ngāti Whakaue/ Ngāti Kearoa, Ngāti Tuara/ Te Aitanga-ā-Mahaaki/ Ngā Puhi/ Tuhourangi Ngāti Wāhiao

Te Kooti Whenua Māori Case Manager/Researcher, Rangatahi Representative ki Te Tatau o Te Arawa. 

Mauri Ora kia koutou, Ko Kahutapeka tōku ingoa, I am honored to be apart of this team creating a forum where our Rangatahi can benefit from, giving you easy access for the support that you need, to have your say, and seeing all the amazing opportunities that the community provides for you, and as a Rangatahi I am excited and will be using this tool myself.

Pia Rongo

Ngati Maniapoto/Tainui, Ngati Pukeko/Ngati Awa, Te Aitanga-A-Mahaki

Kia ora, my name is Pia Rongo and I have had the opportunity to come on board and create a space for rangatahi. With a commitment in building a community to thrive in, Rotorua Rangatahi Voice makes a priority in the continual growth and development of our young people. 

Te Pae
Akurangi Fitzell

Te Arawa/Whakatohea/Ngai te Rangi/Ngati Whare Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao Trust/Kia Piki te Ora-Project Leade

Kia ora, my name is Te Pae and I have had the privilege of working on this online initiative to support our rangatahi to share their ideas, whakaaro and participate in our community! We are really excited this online space is now open to our community-Created by our rangatahi for our rangatahi!

Would you like to become a volunteer to help admin Karwhiua! Rangatahi Voice Rotorua? If so we would love your help! Please contact us for more info on how you can get involved.